Chart Basics

You can add charts to any screen, change the chart type, export data from a chart, and change the chart date range.

Charts show up at the bottom of the main screen. You can add additional charts to the dashboard.

Add a New Chart

To add a new chart to the screen, go to the Screen tab near the top-right of the application, and click the Add Chart button. To save the new chart or any changes to the screen, click the Save button.

Change the Chart Type or Remove a Chart

At the top-right of each chart are two small horizontal lines. Click on this to get a menu of available chart types. If you choose none, located at bottom of the list, the chart will be removed.

Export Data from a Chart

At the right of many charts, you will see a Data tab. Click on this to show the chart data, and the right-click on the data to export to Excel.

Change the Chart Date Range

You can change the date range of the charts by changing the Screen Date Range.

List of Charts and Add-Ons

Descriptions of some charts and add-ons can be found no the main Application Features page.