Investor Reporting

Attract and Maintain Investor Capital

Risk management has become an important component of business development and investor relations for hedge funds. If hedge funds want to attract and maintain capital they need to help investors understand what risks they are taking, how they manage risk, and what factors are driving performance.

Northstar allows funds to generate professional summary reports for distribution to investors. These reports are completely automated saving you time, and reducing operational risk. 


The Benefits of Integration

Northstar’s client reporting service is part of our integrated risk/performance platform. As a hedge fund manager, you can limit the granularity of the data available to investors, but the numbers your investors are seeing will always be exactly the same as the numbers you are seeing internally. No additional work required.

Powerful Tools for Hedge Fund Investors

Northstar's platform allows investors to aggregate risks across multiple hedge funds. Investors can drill down to see how much risk is being taken by region, by asset class or by sector. They can do this for their entire portfolio or for individual funds. 

Northstar client reporting also supports Open Protocol Enabling Risk Aggregation (OPERA), an industry standard risk reporting framework.


For more information, or to schedule a demo, fill out our online form or e-mail us at